Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Character Profiles 9

Tatenashi Sarashiki

Bio: One of the seven top IS pilots of 2035. Like Houki and the others, she and her sister were cyrogentically frozen after the Phantom Virus Tragedy. Unfortunately, they were found by the evil Sigma and were put under his control using mind control devices around their necks similar to how the X-Hunters controlled Orihime. She and her sister were saved in the end by X and friends during the Cyberspace Chase and they joined the Maverick Hunters. Tatenashi is a bit like Houki's sister, Tabane and a super genius to boot. She is also a bit of a pervert and has taken a liking to X after he rescued her and her little sister from Sigma's mind control because X reminded her of Ichika, the man she loved like the rest of the IS girls and would do anything to make X her's. But she is a reliable ally to her friends and will lay down the line to protect her friends and her sister from harm. Her RepArmor's weapon is a drill spear used to drill through certain surfaces and such. Her true name is Katana.